Many substances contained in essential oils affect the person psychologically and physically. These components, which participate in the nervous system and blood circulation, provide important effects on the whole body system. When applied at the right time and with the right application method, aromatherapy is a highly effective supportive method. It has strong effects in relieving pain, relaxing the brain and body, regulating the systems, and provides healing by providing a balanced process. The use of essential oils in the body supports organs and systems, regulates body chemistry, emotional and mental states.
Essential oils with proven effects should be applied to the appropriate person and for the appropriate purpose. Essential oils are generally considered safe to use with minimal side effects. It is necessary to apply scientifically analyzed and proven oils with appropriate techniques. It should not be applied directly to the skin without diluting with a fixed oil, as it may cause dermatitis or irritation on the skin. Skin sensitivity may occur if applied to the skin in pure form and above the recommended dose. It should not be in contact with the eyes and mucosa. Since essential oils obtained from citrus species are sensitive to light, they should not be exposed to sunlight or UV rays after being applied to the skin. Essential oils must be naturally obtained, reliable brands should be chosen. Essential oils are not medicines, but they have a specific dosage to apply. It should be applied by professionals trained in the subject. Essential oils should be stored tightly closed, away from children. Oxidized essential oil should not be used anymore. Since there is not enough data available, their usage is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. An expert physician's opinion should be sought before using on infants and children, especially in the case of allergy or a chronic disease such as epilepsy or hypertension, if other medications are prophylactically involved in the daily routine, if they receive psychiatric treatment, and if homeopathic treatments are applied.
Essential oils should be stored in dark opaque bottles as they have a high tendency to oxidize and chemically change. When oxidation happens, the color of the oil turns to brown. Additionally, the temperature in which essential oils are stored is important. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-6 months. Special considerations regarding essential oils obtained from citrus species is that they should be consumed within 3 months. Others can be utilized for up to 6 months. There are studies in the literature reporting that the proportion of essential oil components in essential oils decreases as they wait (especially essential oils that have been opened for use).
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