Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a hormone naturally produced in the body. It regulates the sleep-wake cycle. It is produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It is also synthesized in the heart, gastrointestinal system, skin, bone marrow and lymphocytes. Its secretion increases in the dark. For this reason, it is also known as the "sleep hormone". It can also be taken externally as a supplement. It is used for the short-term treatment of jet lag in the adults. It is a powerful antioxidant. It is only introduced as a prescription drug in most countries except the United States and Canada.
What does melatonin do?
Melatonin is a hormone that plays a critical role in the sleep-wake cycle, which regulates the circadian rhythm; our body's biological clock.
The main functions of melatonin are as follows:
-Sleep regulation: Melatonin regulates the sleep-wake cycle. It facilitates the transition to sleep and increases sleep patterns. As the night progresses, melatonin levels rise and this allows us to fall asleep.
-Circadian rhythm: It adjusts our body's internal clock and helps us adapt to the day-night cycle. It contributes to the body's adaptation in situations such as jet lag or shift work.
-Antioxidant effect: It is a powerful antioxidant, protects cells by fighting free radicals. It can slow down the aging process by preventing cell damage. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant found in nature. Unlike some other antioxidants (e.g. vitamins C and E), melatonin can bind ten free radicals with one molecule and strengthen the cellular defense system by acting on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. In the cosmetics industry, it is used to prevent skin ageing and promote skin regeneration thanks to its strong antioxidant properties.
-Immune system: Melatonin can increase the production of T cells, natural killer cells (NK cells) and cytokines (proteins involved in the immune response).
-Stress and mood: Melatonin helps improve stress and mood by influencing sleep patterns and the biological clock. High levels of cortisol are associated with stress. Melatonin helps to balance the stress response by regulating the time when cortisol peaks.
-Hormone balance: In terms of hormonal effects, melatonin can increase prolactin and growth hormone release, while decreasing oxytocin and vasopressin levels at high doses. However, no significant effect on LH, FSH and TSH hormones has been detected. In cortisol levels, melatonin tends to bring the peak forward.
-Cardiovascular effect: In research on melatonin, the effects of this hormone on cardiovascular and hormonal systems have been examined. In a study of healthy women of normal weight, melatonin use was observed to reduce blood pressure and pulsatility index. Similarly, melatonin intake in young men has been found to have favorable effects on heart health.
Melatonin has approved uses for the treatment of primary insomnia in patients over 55 years of age, insomnia due to autism spectrum disorder or Smith-Magenis syndrome in children and adolescents, and jet lag.
When and in what dosage is melatonin supplement used?
Initial doses of 1-3 mg are considered safe. 10 mg should not be used unless recommended by a doctor. It is usually taken 30-60 minutes before bedtime. Dosage and duration of use vary depending on the person.
Adult dosage:
-A dose of 1-3 mg is generally recommended for insomnia. It is recommended to start with a lower dose and increase as needed. In case of jet lag, 1-5 mg can be taken before the flight or before going to bed at the destination and can be repeated for a few days. Shift workers can take 1-3 mg after the night shift to make it easier to fall asleep.
Children dosage:
-Although melatonin supplements are probably safe for children, you should consult your doctor first. The dosage for children with insomnia depends on their age. The starting dose is usually 0.5-1 mg.
What are the side effects of melatonin?
Melatonin can commonly cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue during the day, nausea or abdominal pain. Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, have depression or other mental health problems, immune system disorders, chronic diseases such as blood pressure or diabetes should consult a doctor before using melatonin.
How to increase melatonin naturally?
Since melatonin production increases in the dark, staying away from electronic devices and sleeping in a dark environment increases melatonin levels. Since the blue light emitted from electronic devices inhibits melatonin production, it is beneficial to limit screen time after 19:00 in the evening and use yellow-toned lights. Peanuts, walnuts, cherries, sour cherries, pumpkins, carrots, apples, bananas, oats and milk are foods rich in melatonin. Since caffeine and alcohol consumption negatively affect melatonin production, it is important to quit caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime and avoid alcohol in the evening. Regular exercise strengthens the circadian rhythm and contributes to melatonin production.
Melatonin supplements
Melatonin supplements are generally used to improve sleep patterns and are available in various forms such as tablets, capsules, liquids, and drops. Liquid and drop forms provide faster absorption. There are doses ranging from 1 mg to 10 mg, but 10 mg of melatonin is considered a high dose in most cases and should only be used with a doctor's advice. It is recommended to start with a low dose of 1-3 mg when taking melatonin supplements to improve sleep quality.
Which medicines does interact with melatonin?
Melatonin can interact with a variety of medications, including HIV medications, heart medications (blood thinners, digoxin), blood pressure medications such as beta blockers, and depression medications. It can interfere with the effectiveness of certain chemotherapy drugs, so it is important for cancer patients to talk to their doctors before using it. Those with chronic conditions should consult a healthcare professional before using melatonin.
Is melatonin effective for jet lag?
Melatonin is used to help reduce jet lag symptoms. It is generally recommended to take melatonin approximately 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime in the new time zone and start a few days before the move to ease the transition.
Is it safe to use melatonin regularly?
Melatonin is generally considered safe for short-term use and has few side effects when used correctly. However, long-term use has not been fully studied, and some people may experience mild side effects such as dizziness, headache, or daytime drowsiness. It is important to avoid overdosing when using melatonin. Pregnant women, people with certain health conditions, or those taking medications should consult a healthcare professional before using melatonin, as it may interact with certain medications or conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, depression, or blood pressure problems.
Is melatonin safe for children?
Melatonin is considered safe for short-term use in children with sleep problems. It can be used to manage sleep problems, especially in children with autism spectrum disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, it is important to talk to a pediatrician or other qualified healthcare professional before using melatonin for children.
Melatonin hormone and light connection
Dark environments increase melatonin production, making it easier to fall asleep, so melatonin levels rise at dusk. Melatonin levels increase throughout the night and peak between 2-4 a.m. Since melatonin levels increase in dark environments, it is easier to fall asleep. Light is a direct factor in melatonin production. However, blue light in particular suppresses melatonin production. In the evening, not being exposed to blue light and being in low light levels can increase melatonin production and improve sleep quality.
Is there a connection between melatonin and depression?
Melatonin can help regulate the sleep patterns of individuals with depression, which can improve their mood. However, melatonin supports mental health by improving sleep and is not the primary treatment for anxiety or depression. Melatonin, as a hormone that improves sleep patterns, can help treat depression. It is important to get professional health advice in the treatment of depression.
Amaral F and Cipolla-Neto J, A brief review about melatonin, a pineal hormone. (2018).
Imenshahidi M, et al., Effects of melatonin on cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome: a comprehensive review. (2020).
Kennaway DJ, What do we really know about the safety and efficacy of melatonin for sleep disorders? (2021).
Posadzki P, et al., Melatonin and health: an umbrella review of health outcomes and biological mechanisms of action. (2018).
Rzepka-Migut B and Paprocka J, Efficacy and safety of melatonin treatment in children with autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (2020).
Salehi B, et al., Melatonin in medicinal and food plants: Occurrence, bioavailability, and health potential for humans. (2019).