"The Four Agreements emphasizes the importance of applying four key agreements, from the power of words to not taking things personally, for achieving success in the post-graduation career journey."

The Four Agreements: A Life-Changing Guide for Recent Graduates
As we enter a new year full of possibilities and obstacles, I thought I'd share some wisdom I learnt from a book that's transformed my life.Based on my personal experience, I care a lot about sharing my experiences with our young friends who are new graduates, and I try to do this on every platform as much as I can. We all make mistakes, but if we learn from the mistakes of others, we can avoid some pitfalls and find our way more smoothly. The wisdom I want to talk about in this article comes from the book 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz.Inspired by ancient Toltec insight, this work offers a path to a peaceful and fulfilling existence.
Choose your words carefully
This is the most important of the four agreements, but also the hardest to put into practice. I've seen for myself how powerful words can be. They're not just a way to communicate, they're a powerful tool that can shape reality, influence others and even change how you see yourself. In your professional life, it's really important to always speak with honesty and integrity.
So, don't use words that are going to hold you back or hurt other people. This includes things like putting yourself down, which can eat away at your self-confidence, and gossiping, which can create a toxic environment and damage relationships. Remember, your words can bring people together or drive them apart. They can create a supportive environment, build trust and motivate others, or they can create division, sow discord and demoralise. So, choose your words carefully and use them to build rather than break. Your reputation is one of your most valuable assets in your career, and it's built not only by your actions, but also by your words.
Being honest and respectful at work will earn you the respect and trust of your colleagues and managers, and open up opportunities for career advancement. Protect your reputation by being careful with your words. In the digital age, being careful with your words also means paying attention to your written communication. Emails, texts and social media posts reflect you and can affect your professional image.
So, being impeccable with your words isn't just about honesty, it's about understanding the power of words and using them responsibly and productively. This is a key principle for success in your professional journey and beyond.
Don't take anything personally
In my career, I've met all sorts of people and heard all kinds of opinions. It's important to remember that what others say and do reflects their reality, not yours. If you can do that, you'll be less stressed and have less conflict. For example, if a colleague or boss gives you feedback, see it as an opportunity to improve instead of taking it personally.
Always Do Your Best
Your performance might go up and down from day to day, and that's totally normal. The important thing is to always try your best, whatever's going on. This'll help you avoid self-criticism, self-abuse and regret. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. If you don't get the result you wanted, just remember you did your best and you can be happy with that. Also, by always doing your best, you'll be well on your way to reaching your full potential. These four agreements might seem simple, but they're packed with wisdom. They've totally transformed my life and I'm sure they can do the same for you. Keep these principles in mind as you make the transition from student to professional. I hope that making and applying these agreements with yourself will guide you to a fulfilling career and a peaceful life.
Congratulations on your graduation and here are some exciting things ahead of you.